Breastfeeding is really worth it and rewarding. Being able to provide your loved one with the best food on earth is a blessing! It is not an easy task and requires a lot of education (like a diploma course) and determination and of course.. and....... SUPPORT. I would love to thank Breastfeeding mums support group in facebook. I have learnt a lot and will continue to learn as my kid grow.
Somehow, I hope that I will have 2nd baby soon. Get over and done with it! *ROARS*
The 1st and 2nd month of breastfeeding is really not easy, you experience blocked ducts, HARD BOOBS, pain, sore nipples, cracked nipples etc etc! but it gets better! So.... ENDURE! chinese saying, taste the bitterness first, then the sweet.
It is really worth it. =)
Thank God.
Been back to work since the 15th to help out, but officially I will only start on the 20th! Those 2 days tested my mental endurance rather than physical endurance.
Basically my routine goes like this :
630am- Prepare for work (Including pump milk)
1030am - Pump at work
230pm- pump at work
530pm- End work
Work is considered easy for now? The real challenge will be when it is full house, that will be a test whether I still can prioritize as well as before. I really enjoy working and communicating with patients so work is not an issue!
630-645pm- Pump Milk
7pm-Feed the baby
Dinner and try to make baby sleep. Usually in the evening she does not require much sleep. Awake till next feed...
930pm-10pm- Feed the baby
11pm- pump milk
Last feed? Nope! I stayed up till 1130pm-12am to feed her last feed, even though she drinks very little, don't want her to wake me up tooooo early the next morning to feed.
2ish 3am... ALWAYS jolted awake by baby cries (not my baby). I literally jumped out of bed and ran to baby room, in the end? she is soundly asleep. pHEW. Then again, interrupted sleep.
430am - Pump milk. Wash and sterilize.
I really hope I can continue this routine without feeling tired. Or least, get used to it. The above tasks are not difficult really. It is insufficient sleep I get that is really bothering me.
School resumes next week! Seriously, I don't really care about qualification, cause it does not mean you are smarter or competent at work. Since I started it, I WILL TRY to complete it. Every Saturday, I will either have work or class... I can do it! Looking on the bright side, I might feel very tired and skip dinner every night. How awesome. Hahaha. I am so gonna be wonder woman, being a wife, mother, daughter, student and worker.
Juggling multiple roles, will I get identity confusion? LOL.