Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Delivery of Isabelle

So you know, I have been in and out of hospital for many reasons.. From durian cake poisoning to early contractions to threatened pre term labour to breech baby. Super eventful last trimester..

On 27th May ~730pm, I started to feel frequent tightening after dinner, followed by aches over my lower back. I was not sure whether I was in labour or not and decided to watch first before going to delivery suite again! 

~9pm, Desmond and I decided to watch our last episode of The Walking Dead season 6, and if by the time the show ends and I am still in pain, we will call the delivery ward. Haha. The aches over my lower back and tightening over tummy seems more frequent and the show was only halfway through... A completely different feeling when I had contractions with Gabrielle. 

~10pm I gave up tolerating the pain and asked Desmond to call the delivery ward. I prepared myself by showering and brushing my teeth... hahaha. All ready to pop and not shower for a day or 2 post delivery. Eeeks!

~11pm I was 3cm dilated! I opted for epidural straight even though I could tolerate the pain at that moment... who knows whether I will scream the next few hours to come! 

~4am I was only 4cm dilated?! I was given medication to induce and by 6am... I can feel my baby's head already!!!! 

~6am POP! Welcome Isabelle!

Monday, 23 May 2016

37 weeks

I survived threatened pre term labour! Thank God!

Last week, I had my follow up with my gynae, my baby was breech..
It was the first time I encountered such issue and it was pretty scary~ I was scheduled for ECV (External Cephalic Version) last Monday when I am 36th weeker. Procedure on Monday was cancelled after I fasted for 12hours and waited in the delivery suite for an hour plus! Some system cropped up and Prof did not know I was in the delivery suite. Gaaahhh. I was rescheduled for it the next day.

Tuesday, I fasted the night before again, waited for Prof as he was in the midst of a cesarean. Got cannulated by my own hubby, 18G cannula. Not painful at all! No kidding~
The team then came and pop by and did a bed side ultrasound to ensure that the location of the baby head... GUESS WHAT! She turned back down! Thank God!! This baby caused me a lot of inconveniences in my last trimester! Yikes~

Now 37th weeker, I can't wait for her arrival. I feel soooo much pressure on my pelvis. Please come out sooon~
I do not know why, but as I am blogging, somehow I feel that little little teo is not in the position she is supposed to be. Oh well, time will tell..

Oh yes... I still have to complete my last assignment due end of the month! gaaaaaahhhhhhh.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

2nd Pregnancy LAST trimester LAST post before I pop

A quick summary of what I have been through past 7-8months......

Yes! I'm in my 35th week now, did not take as much picture as I did for the 1st one.. This pregnancy is so different despite the same gender as my first baby!

Current weight gain is about 10kg-12kg? Cravings only came in at about 33 weeker and all I crave for is HaiDiLao..
This whole pregnancy was pretty stable in terms of morning sickness and energy level till I reached 32 weeker. There wasn't any burst of energy unlike my first pregnancy 2nd trimester. In fact I felt slightly more tired than usual in my 2nd pregnancy, perhaps its because no.2 came tooo early! haha! Well, its kinda planned.

So, I was recently hospitalised due to multiple contraction and they did a swab and was positive for threatened preterm labour. Kinda sucky cos I was only 34 weeker. Anyhows, I safely survived 34 weeks and I'm on 35th week. Its a love-hate relationship cause I really could not wait for baby to pop. I can't sleep well at night as I was really resting in bed MOST of the time during the day. Lots of emotional built up as I felt that the world is moving and I'm just stagnant lying down at home doing nothing!
Okay, not really nothing per say, I get to read books to Gabrielle, watch her eat.. etc. Her eating habit got me worried, She loves her Milk and Packet food which contains.. carrots, quinoa, cinnamon, broccoli etc etc. and clear soup. Everyday is a challenge to feed her! What's comforting is, there is actually worst kids out there or kids in the same situation as me, i'm not alone! So I take it as part of their growing phase. At least she drinks her milk. =)

On the side note, Gabrielle learns how to express what she wants or do not want like shaking her head when she does not want something, say words like apple, mum mum, ball, lion and wow. LOL(not included).
Sadly, she still could not walk independently, AT MOST 4 steps only! Super duper lazy! Coming 13 months end May and she still have not mastered it. Well, what I've noticed is she really loves books, I could read to her 7 story books at one go, she would sit with me and listen, and YES, I got to be damn drama with my tone, what I say etc. Haha ~ Motherhood.

During this last trimester, especially this week, I have a strong urge to save up as much as I can to provide a bigger home for my children, bigger home meaning a HDB 120-144sqm is also okay! I do not need an extravagant upgrade, just ample space for my kids especially when they grow older, they will have more things, and my current living room is... cui. That being said, we gave ourselves 3 years. Of course, I am still thankful for what I have now, having a family with 2 kids, and a super loving hubby that cares a lot for his family and my mother who sacrifice a lot to help me, and of course my sis.. my bro.. LOL. Without them, I wouldnt grow too. Just that sometimes, they can be irritating. HAHA! Which of your siblings aint irritating really?~ LOL. oh yes, cannot forget my helper, kept my place in tiptop condition and help to feed my little gabby when Im at work!

I'm also on my last assignment before I finally graduate like finally? Good to have a degree, but not necessary.

Okay, my heartburn just got resolved, so I'm going to end my post here! I hope I can blog again after baby no.2 pops!


Thursday, 7 January 2016

Oh boy!

I was reading my previous posts to refresh my memory on which part of my life have I stopped blogging. I realized it was about me trying to breastfeed Gabrielle and not wanting to diet at that point!

Right.... despite all the milk boosters I've bought, consumed.. etc. etc. My milk supply did not increase at all! Why? because..... IM PREGNANT AGAIN! weeee~ (No, I'm not addicted to pregnancy life; I just want to get over and done with pregnancy for good ASAP)

Some mothers may want to spend more time with their current kid before having the next. Seriously? I think that is very normal. I guess I am the abnormal one. I do not enjoy having a break of 2 years, then come the 2nd one. I find it a torture. LOL. On the other hand, I'm currently having a dilemma of having a break of 2-3 years before having no.3 and no.4. If no.3 ever comes, I think I will regret again during the 1st 3 months of torturous morning sickness.

This pregnancy is sooooo different from the first one. Let's talk about the first trimester, the hot topic of  all pregnant mothers -

Morning Sickness

1st pregnancy: So freaking bad. I dread going to work; it was a real challenge. Every smell especially FISH made me want to puke. There was a point that I was dehydrated till I need to be on drip. Tired... lethargic.. vomit... tired.. lethargic.. vomit.. and... repeat.

2nd pregnancy: On and off morning sickness. Gastric pain was not as bad as the first one (may be due to confinement that made my gastric stronger- never know). Not so tired and not much appetite.


1st Pregnancy: After the 1st 3 months of morning sickness, I craved for carbs, meat, ice cream and waffles! I ate like no tomorrow. Cos no one gonna judge a preggy when they eat. haha!

2nd Pregnancy: I only craved for salad.... and fish. I'm so crazy about cod fish and .. fillet o fish! I'm so happy lah, my cravings this pregnancy so bloody healthy. hehe. Yes, no one is going to judge a pregnant lady when they eat, so I judge myself.

Weight Gain

1st Pregnancy : I was 81kg at least at full term? Didnt manage to weigh myself as I was on maternity leave... Total weight gain of 26-28kg~~~

2nd Pregnancy : I lost 2.2kg during the first trimester, Now at 5 months pregnant, I gained about 1kg nett. I find it a lot eh! Because I was bingeing on fillet o fish for 3 nights! yikes!!!! I need help! I need mac to ban me from drive thru.