Wednesday 19 October 2016

Delivery of Isabelle

So you know, I have been in and out of hospital for many reasons.. From durian cake poisoning to early contractions to threatened pre term labour to breech baby. Super eventful last trimester..

On 27th May ~730pm, I started to feel frequent tightening after dinner, followed by aches over my lower back. I was not sure whether I was in labour or not and decided to watch first before going to delivery suite again! 

~9pm, Desmond and I decided to watch our last episode of The Walking Dead season 6, and if by the time the show ends and I am still in pain, we will call the delivery ward. Haha. The aches over my lower back and tightening over tummy seems more frequent and the show was only halfway through... A completely different feeling when I had contractions with Gabrielle. 

~10pm I gave up tolerating the pain and asked Desmond to call the delivery ward. I prepared myself by showering and brushing my teeth... hahaha. All ready to pop and not shower for a day or 2 post delivery. Eeeks!

~11pm I was 3cm dilated! I opted for epidural straight even though I could tolerate the pain at that moment... who knows whether I will scream the next few hours to come! 

~4am I was only 4cm dilated?! I was given medication to induce and by 6am... I can feel my baby's head already!!!! 

~6am POP! Welcome Isabelle!

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